Chairman Darrell Mike was born in Palm Springs, California and has been a long-time resident of the Coachella Valley. He grew up attending desert valley schools during his youth and later attended Palm Desert High School. At the age of eighteen, he became an adult voting member of the Tribal Council in 1990. After many years of service on the Tribal Council and recognition for his efforts in building a brighter future for the Tribe, Chairman Mike was elected to his first tenure as Tribal Chairman on January 1, 2007, serving consecutive terms.
As Tribal Chairman, Darrell Mike has assumed the duties of presiding over official tribal meetings, serving as the tribal spokesman, preserving tribal heritage, overseeing the day-to-day government operations and maintaining government-to-government relationships. He has developed various relationships with outside government officials from the Coachella Valley to Washington, D.C. He also participates in outreach efforts with the local community and organizes charitable events through affiliated entities such as the Four Winds Coalition, Native American Land Conservancy and Theresa A. Mike Scholarship Foundation.
Recent successes of Chairman Mike have been revamping the tribal government structure, implementing new ordinances (tribal laws), updating government policies, incorporating efficiency measures within the government, expanding the tribal enterprise, including the Spotlight 29 Casino and Tortoise Rock Casino. Chairman Mike envisions the Tribe focusing on higher education, maintaining a healthy business plan, diversification and tribal self-sufficiency.

Chairman Mike’s personal statement:
“I believe in learning from the past in order to create a better future.”